Eric Nelson Assists Clients with Challenges in Scheduling, Trading, and Moving Dairy Commodities

October 25, 2022
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If anyone has fully experienced the tremendous challenges, triumphs, and camaraderie that comes with working in the dairy transportation industry – it’s Ever.Ag’s Eric Nelson. 

Eric Nelson, Director of Trading and Transportation, Ever.Ag

A dedicated and natural problem solver, Eric assists clients as Ever.Ag’s Director of Trading and Transportation. He leads an experienced team helping clients with scheduling, trading, and moving bulk intermediates like cream, condensed skim, and food-grade tankers for dairy processing across the U.S.  

“I look forward to listening to my customers and delivering them results every day. When we find solutions to their challenges, it’s the best feeling in the world,” Eric said.

Joining from the Beginning

As a native of Dallas, Texas, Eric attended Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, Texas, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in management. He began his career in technical support for a software company before moving into sales and account management.  

After a few years selling educational and entertainment software, Eric joined, now known as Ever.Ag, when the company was founded in 2000. 

“I was one of their first employees 22 years ago. I’ve seen the company go from a small startup to the amazing organization it is today.” Eric said. 

Assisting Clients with Scheduling and Trading 

The combination of sales, problem-solving, and account management drew Eric to his current role many years ago. Today, his daily tasks include business development, account management, and service and support. 

Meeting his clients’ needs at a fair price and balancing the schedule are his daily priorities. The relationships he has developed with cream traders and dairy haulers through the years have been crucial in Eric’s ability to successfully assist clients in balancing and scheduling.

Taking an Important Role in the Dairy Industry

Eric knows his team has a hefty responsibility in keeping the dairy supply chain moving. Their work keeps dairy plants operating smoothly and ensures bulk dairy commodities are transported securely and timely for processing.  

As part of his job, Eric does onsite visits to dairy processing facilities. He appreciates the unique opportunity to meet the men and women who depend on the trading and transportation team to serve their needs. 

“We play an important role in getting the product from the farm to the table every day. We are fortunate to service this dairy space and help some great companies and their employees along the way.” Eric said. 

When Eric is not traveling or busy with work, he enjoys being outdoors in his free-time and spending time with his family, his wife, Christi, and their three adult daughters. He also serves on a non-profit board for mental health called The Center for Integrative Counseling and Psychology. 

Eric Nelson and his family

Ever.Ag’s Commodity Management & Transportation Management Solutions 

Eric Nelson is part of Ever.Ag’s team of experts with decades of experience working in dairy commodity and transportation management. Together they work to empower buyers and sellers to successfully manage their commodity schedules. 

If you are interested in learning more about Ever.Ag’s Commodity Management or Transportation Management solutions, please contact us.

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“Sometimes our customers face a problem they can’t solve, like a plant facing a shut down because it can’t find a load or because the silos are filling up and they can’t find a truck to pick up product. Our team helps with these problems daily, nightly, on weekends, and holidays.”

Eric Nelson

Eric Nelson

Director of Trading and Transportation, Ever.Ag

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